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Age of Universe
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Thomas Project
Science and Faith
Investigating Truth
Doctrinal Statement


We are off to a good start for this edition of the website! Let's summarize our findings so far. We at Thomas Ministries believe that there is much to be gained by a thoughtful reconciliation of science and faith. The basic premise of the Thomas Ministries is that absolute truth exists. The basic function of the Thomas Ministries is to pursue that truth, and the basic promise of the Thomas Ministries is that we will never intentionally suppress that truth. We have presented what we see as a very strong case that truth relativized is truth destroyed.

We see the pursuit of truth as the great common denominator to science, philosophy, and the Christian faith. Scientific investigation is in fact the search for the truth about ourselves and the world around us. The Christian faith necessarily includes the search for the truth about ourselves, the world around us, and about God. Given that science is the pursuit of truth, and the biblical Christian faith is a revelation of truth, the two must meet somewhere. The Thomas Project is intended to identify and describe that "somewhere" more clearly. This is the basis for the motto of the Thomas Ministries, "truth arises where science meets faith."

Thomas Ministries, however, is not focused on either a presentation of so-called "creation science," nor a defense of creation science. Rather, the point is to examine where truth leads us with respect to humanity in particular, and with respect to the world in general. We find characterizing the interaction of science and faith by the battle cry of "It's either evolution only or creation science only!" to be too limited and unhelpful to properly investigate the relationships between the Christian faith and science. We are not interested in blind adherence to the dogmatic traditions of either the scientific community, or the religious community.

We have acknowledged that the historical atrocities associated with historical Christianity bear no resemblance to the message of repentance, peace and love embodied by the life and works of Jesus of Nazareth. We do not condone them. But we also find it unacceptable to reject investigating Christianity on the basis of hypocrisy, since hypocrisy is common to all worthwhile human endeavors. We have seen that the scientific community itself has a major set of issues with respect to hypocrisy, but still takes itself quite seriously. If nothing else, hypocrisy can be viewed as unfortunate common ground between science and the Christian faith, but its ongoing presence in both should not be used as an excuse to fail to investigate either.

We have found one of the fundamental obstacles in the effort to reconcile science and the Christian faith is the faulty perception of the role of evidence in both communities. We have demonstrated that science is not reasoning only on the basis of evidence. We have also demonstrated that the Christian faith is not "blind faith" (i.e. faith without evidence). The importance of evidence to both communities cannot be overstated. Neither can the importance of the sound handling of evidence by both communities be overstated. What we call "reasoning beyond the evidence" is essential to the scientific method. What we at Thomas Ministries call "evidence-based faith" is essential to the Christian faith.

We also investigated and showed false the concept that science is only operable in the realm of the repeatable and the testable. We examined how the science of origins deals with such non-repeatable events as the beginning of the universe and the beginning of life. Forensic sciences were also found to be dealing with the reconstruction of one-time events such as crimes or other past events.




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